Sleep Better Again is pleased to inform you that currently, we have access to some of the latest technologies, services and products.

These are the following options that are available to add to the treatment options already in place for the management and treatment of your sleep apnoea.

CPAP trial – A one month trial especially if you are diagnosed with moderate to severe Sleep Apnoea. Sleep Better Again stock all the main brands as well as cheaper more affordable machines. Trials are conducted by Sleep Scientists who will supply the latest updated masks in all the brands and fit and change the masks until the correct suitable one is found. Travel CPAP machines also stocked.
Interest free payment plans are offered.

MANDIBULAR ADVANCEMENT SPLINTS- Mainly for snoring or mild Sleep Apnoea patients. A temporary trial is offered with further options for a permanent splint fitted by a specialised dentist if snoring is removed or reduced with the trial splint.

POSITIONAL THERAPY DEVICE: Mainly for patients who have mild sleep apnoea and especially in snoring in the supine position(on your back). This device sends vibrational signals when the patient is asleep and snoring mainly on the back and prompts him/her to roll over to the side. Also provides detailed positional sleep report.

EXPIRATORY POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE (EPAP) : A proven and the least intrusive method to provide positive airway pressure but only beneficial for very mild sleep apnoea.

ONGOING MANAGEMENT – Sleep Better Again will continue to manage your treatment options every 6 months if required by helping sterilize machines/ Filter change/ Mask adjustments/ download data or upgrade options if needed.

Please feel free to contact Sleep Better Again and we will be happy to book a free half hour consultation.

The sleep Scientist will be able to go over your sleep report in detail with you as well as to explain the different options available specifically for your recommendation from the Sleep Physician report.